find your purpose

who was jesus? why was he crucified? did he really rise from the dead? is it plausible that he was truly divine?
Whether you are seeking to understand the Christian faith for the first time or looking to be reminded of the essentials, John Stott offers a clear and full explanation of the gospel. With more than 2.5 million copies sold, this classic introduction is as clear and relevant today as it was when John Stott first penned it.

hi, i'm carrie
I became a Christian at 16 years old and have a genuine love for the deep and meaningful conversations in life. I also love to write about a broad range of biblical topics, endeavouring to be as honest as possible about my experiences, sharing both the highs and the lows of what it means to be a Christian. It’s not always easy, in fact, it’s often much harder than you might expect. Somehow, though, through it all, we find genuine strength to persevere and joy in the midst of hard things. This is the mystery of the Christ-follower, the one who will count all things as loss that they might gain Christ.